See full report from TUC about the work done: O4_O5_Consolidated_Report_Final_2021
During the second project year schools from the participating countries were selected to pilot and perfect the project’s approaches and methodologies.
This round was implemented in collaboration with
- a series of primary and secondary schools in the participating countries,
- a multidisciplinary team composed of experts from various European Institutions and with
- a variety of academic and professional background and specialties (academics, educators, special educators, art therapists/musicians, school psychologists, etc.).
Special emphasis was given to cover important subgroups of the targeted students with Special Education Needs.
At the start of this round, a special multiplier event (M11-14) gathered together all relevant stakeholders to felicitate their needs and to set up the common piloting framework.
At the end of the piloting, a joint staff training web event was organized by the Cyprus team to fine tune training materials that would enable project partners to organize the subsequent steps to set-up and implement the online training programme.
Output Leader:
Viksjöfors skola (SE) Helena Ehrstrand
Working days and budget IO4
Preparations for IO4 in Spring Term 2020:
Emil’s work with the 10 steps in the Curriculum* piloting will take place in spring term 2020 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays these dates:
- January 14-15. Week 3. Project month 17.
- January 28-29. Week 5. Project month 17.
- February 11-12. Week 7. Project month 18.
- February 18-19. Week 8. Project month 18.
- March 10-11. Week 11. Project month 19.
- May 5-6. Week 19. Project month 21.
- May 12-13. Week 20. Project month 21.
- May 19-20. Week 21. Project month 21.
- May 26-27. Week 22. Project month 21.
- June 2-3. Week 23. Project month 22.
Nathan will cooperate with Emil in steps 5-10, when back in Sweden. A summary will be made in June 9-10. Week 24. Project month 23.
*Here is Elias’ PM with the 10 steps: COVENTRY FINAL_new
This project rhythm4inclusion Erasmus+ ID 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039032 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.