Understanding the idea of what rhythm can add in an educational context.
For individual students in a classroom environment.
We practiced in January 2020 in grade 5-6, where Helena normally teaches. It is a stable group, but some children have special needs.
Emil Skogh, local musician, performer and teacher, focused initially on the rising of self esteem and inclusion in a group (film 1, 3:08 min.).
Katarzyna Pawlak, leader in Viksjöforsbaletten, joined and they went on with the rhythmic meter and with dialogue (film 2, 4:03 min.).

During two weeks in the beginning of May we recorded all 10 rhythmic steps in the preliminary Curriculum. Emil was the leader and Helena filmed the sessions with the school iPad.
Eventually Julia Ehrstrand, originally a Viksjöfors student now an international choreographer, dancer and dance leader, arrived home due to the international Corona restrictions. Julia worked together with Emil and added moves to his base rhythms. These dance workshops were edited into very short extra activity examples.
A full dance film is put at the end. It’s there to show the children’s skills and happiness at the end of the piloting! How fortunate aren’t we to have these close artistic contacts in Viksjöfors school!
The 10 Curricular Activities interpreted in Music and Dance
The Rhythmical Meter – Learning toll Follow the Team (0:53 min.)
Se exercise 2! Practised in a combined workshop.
Introduction to speed and dialogue (1:02 min.)
DANCE 2 (and 1)
Follow the Team, Speed Intro (0:30 min.)
The Clock – Pace Training (1:01 min.)
DANCE 3 (and 7)
Keep the Pace, Speed Game with Body sounds (1:08 min.)
Dialogue through the Clock (0:46 min.)
See exercise 9!
Introduction to Body sounds (0:46 min)
See exercise 8!
Rhythmical Circle with Body (0:49 min.)
Speed Game with Body Sounds (0:34 min.)
DANCE 7 (and 3)
Keep the Pace, Speed Game with Body sounds (2:35 min.)
Clock with Body Sounds (1:18 min.)
DANCE 8 (and 5)
Body Sounds Intro, Circle Game (0:25 min.)
Dialogue (1:28 min.)
DANCE 9 (and 4)
Dialogue (0:48 min.)
Introduction to Pause (0:45 min.)
Pause (0:41 min.)
When we noticed that some film cuts were unused we put them together in the Nr 11 bonus Mix! (2:06 min.)
The Full of Joy Dance movie (3:35 min.)
Teachers guides from March 2020, divided into two Chapters.
Chapter 1 with Activity 1-5
- Ch 1, Act 1 Introduction to the Meaning of the Rhythmical Meter
- Ch 1, Act 2 Learning to Follow the Team – Dialogue in the Rhythmic Circle
- Ch 1, Act 3 Learning to Do Dialogue in Changing and Different Situations
- Ch 1, Act 4 The Clock – Learning to Keep up with the Pace
- Ch 1, Act 5 Initiation of Dialogue
Chapter 2 with Activity 1-2
Video instructions for piloting teachers
We have got 4 videos from Greece with instructions for teachers who want to try The Rhythm4inclusion Curriculum with students. These videos can however not be published here.
- The full YouTube list of Swedish r4i Piloting Videos >>
- A r4i film made by professional filmer Linus Linus Jonson from the Folkungar school visit (2:48)
All Swedish r4i videos made by Viksjöfors teachers:
- MU r4i Kickoff (0:50 min)
- MU r4i Spring Festival Viksjofors school 2019:1 (9:46)
- MU r4i Spring Festival Viksjofors school 2019:2 (7:45)
- MU r4i Spring Festival Viksjöfors school 2019:3 (4:15)
- MU r4i Spring Festival Viksjöfors school 2019:4 (5:49)
- MU/SO r4i Erasmus+ on Interrail (1:01)
- MU/SO r4i Coventry Minutes 1 (4:16)
- MU/SO r4i Coventry Minutes 2 (4:55)
- MU/SO r4i FolkUngar&VfsUngar (8:09)
- MU/SO r4i Piloting 1 (3:07)
- MU/SO r4i Piloting 2 (4:02)
- MU r4i Act. 1 Learning to follow the Team (0:53)
- MU r4i Act. 2 Intro to Speed and Dialogue (1:02)
- MU r4i Act. 3 The Clock-PaceTraining (1:01)
- MU r4i Act. 4 Dialogue through the Clock (0:46)
- MU r4i Act. 5 Intro to Body Sounds (0:45)
- MU r4i Act. 6 Rhythm.Circle & Body Sounds (0:48)
- MU r4i Act. 7 Speed & Body Sounds (0:34)
- MU r4i Act. 8 Clock & Body Sounds (1:18)
- MU r4i Act. 9 Dialogue (1:28)
- MU r4i Act. 10 Intro to Pause (0:45)
- MU r4i The Nr 11 Bonus Mix (2:05)
- MU r4i The Nr 12 Bonus Julia & grade 3-4 (3:11)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 1-2 Follow team Speed intro (0:30)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 3+7 Speed/Body (1:08)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 4+9 Dialogue (0:48)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 5+8 Body Sounds/Circle 0:25)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 10 Pause (0:48)
- MU r4i Dance Act. 1-10 (3:35)
This project rhythm4inclusion Erasmus+ ID 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039032 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.