4. Best practices

Teachers and artists from the participating organizations met in Belgium for a summer workshop in July 2017 to make the selection of best practices. The Output leading partner IYMF has fullfilled the collection and presentation of the Best Practices.

Sweden’s Best Practices

The Swedish Code of Conduct

The Swedish Outdoor Access Rights combined with the Convention of Children's Rights fit perfectly well, as can be seen in our three connected best examples, with the Swedish Curriculum and with the two e-ARTinED themes: Social Inclusion and Nature through the Arts; to Experience Nature as well as to Protect Nature.

The full Swedish presentations 

  1. Sweden e-ARTinED Good Practice 1.1 Waste Sorting and Recycling
  2. Sweden e-ARTinED Good Practice 1.2 The Outdoor Access Rights and the Convention of Children’s Rights
  3. Sweden e-ARTinED Good Practice 1.3 Sustainability and Recycled Art in Nature

3 appendixes

  1. Appendix 1 Mini Musical about our Environmental Waste Separation
  2. Appendix 2 English translation Songs Waste Sorting
  3. Appendix 3 Two Good Examples A comparison with quotes from the national curricula

Look at the Swedish TEACHER’S GUIDES (in English and Swedish!)

See our other achievements!

  1. Background Reports and Repostory
  2. Educational Programme for teachers, trainers and artists
  3. Handbook
  4. Online Course
  5. Community Practice

Time table/Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart e-ARTinED

e-ARTinED Erasmus+ ID KA201-01226718

This project e-ARTinED Erasmus+ ID KA201-01226718 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

artinedviksjofors av Viksjöfors Kulturpedagogiska Skola är licensierad under en Creative Commons Erkännande-DelaLika 4.0 Internationell licens.Based on a work at http://artinedviksjofors.se/.Tillstånd utöver denna licens kan vara tillgängligt på http://artinedviksjofors.se/.