Etikett: English
Nathan is back!
Film time
Movie makers
Script reading, roles, rehearsal, filming, playing, editing, watching final result.
Webbkurs för lärare!
Välkommen med din anmälan till en gratis webbkurs arrangerad av rhythm4inclusion! Registrera dig först i Coursevo (1) och fyll sen i anmälningsformuläret (2)!
To participate in the online training programme you have to
- join the rhythm4inclusion Community of Practice first by registering and then
- fill in the application form providing your Coursevo account username.
Good to know:
- Applications can be submitted until 2021-02-07.
- The results of the selection process will be announced by 2021-02-12.
- The training programme will start on 2021-02-15.
- The participation is free of charge.
- The rhythm4inclusion project is funded within the Erasmus+ KA2 framework.
- The language of the training and all materials and assignments is English.
- The detailed call for participation is available here>>
This project rhythm4inclusion Erasmus+ ID 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039032 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
In English: Short film about snow leopards.
From the text:
We are snow leopards. Our home is in the mountains, in Asia….
… there were many snow leopards. But, people like our beautiful, thick fur. So they kill us.
Illustration i engelskaboken
Oglala lakotakillen var visst hos oss i Viksjöfors när det begav sig. Helena fick hans Pow Wow-Sköld.
Egna låtar
Nu är översättarna igång i 5-6:an.
1:st day.
We speak English. We are bakning.
Midsommarveckan i Viksjöfors skola med omnejd
Erasmus+ ARTinLAN 17-20 juni. Vi välkomnar partners från Danmark, Storbritannien, Tjeckien, Polen och Turkiet.