2 Digital Repository – SMILE

Please observe that the below dates might not be correct!
The 30 months of the SMILE project have been postponed to
28/2/2022 - 31/8/2024

Leading Partner: A.MUS.ED. Amalgamate Music Education Ltd
E10060645 - Cyprus
Time: 01-03-2022 - 30-11-2022
Languages: English, Greek, Italian, Polish and Swedish

The SMILE project will create a digital repository with material and activities based on music, that could be used during the integration of music in teaching multicultural students, in terms of inclusion education.

The material could be

    • a collection of traditional, children’s and pop songs,
    • traditional instruments,
    • free online educational musical tools for promoting inclusion,
    • examples of good practices,
    • examples of lesson plans,
    • examples of teaching techniques,
    • instructions on how to include music in formal or informal education etc.

The repository will be developed according to the results of the Needs Analysis Report (PR1) and its content will be easy to use, even from teachers with no previous music skills or knowledge.

The repository will be analyzed and categorized in a friendly to use environment, and its content intends not only to be ready to use material but also to inspire teachers to create their own activities.

The target group is teachers from preprimary and primary schools, teaching in multicultural classes.

The PR2 activities will be developed from all partners in collaboration with people specializing in social inclusion and music, with AMusEd (CY), being the Leader of this Project 

PR2-A1: Definition of Methodology and Graphical Design of the Digital Repository (M4-M5) 
The Leader partner (AMusEd / CY) will propose the methodology for collecting material and resources based on music, and it will be defined in collaboration with the consortium.

An Action plan will be established and it will be revised with partners. During this activity also the Graphical Design of the Digital Repository will be determined.

PR2-A2: Collection of material and resources (M5-M9)
The Leader partner will propose templates and they will be revised according to partners’ comments.

Partners will search and collect materials and resources from their country and abroad (e.g. collection of traditional, kids and pop songs – some will be translated into English or to local language; traditional instruments; free online educational musical tools promoting inclusion; etc)

PR2-A3: Listing of material and resources (M9-M10)
All collected material will be classified in the Digital Repository and proposed activities will be given to be applied both in physical and digital classrooms. The Leader of PR2 will closely cooperate mainly with EM-Th RDE and its Department of Informatics to create a user-friendly and easy to find repository.

PR2-A4: Assessment of digital repository (M11) 
The repository will be evaluated internally from all partners

Working days Viksjöfors:

Digital Reporsitory, teacher/train./res., 40 days, 9640 E
Digital Reporsitory, technicians, 10 days, 1900 E

Med penningvärdet vid projektstart 21-12-01 är

    • 241 EUR = 2479,96 SEK/arbetsdag för researchers
    • 190 EUR = 1955,16 SEK/ arbetsdag för technicians.

Achievements SMILE

    1. Report of Need Analysis
    2. Teacher’s Guide on using Music in Inclusive Education
    3. MOOC 
  • Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education - SMILE - 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032762 is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

    artinedviksjofors av Viksjöfors Kulturpedagogiska Skola är licensierad under en Creative Commons Erkännande-DelaLika 4.0 Internationell licens.Based on a work at http://artinedviksjofors.se/.Tillstånd utöver denna licens kan vara tillgängligt på http://artinedviksjofors.se/.