Please observe that the below dates might not be correct!
The 30 months of the SMILE project have been postponed to
28/2/2022 - 31/8/2024

Leading Partner:
Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education
E10199519 – Greece
Time: 01-08-2023 – 31-05-2024
Language: English

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as they are called internationally, are one of the most important instrument in online education in recent years. The influence of MOOCs is demonstrated by statistics that indicate the high participation of trainees.

For better dissemination of the project results on teachers as primary target groups as well as students among Europe and beyond, as final beneficiaries, the consortium decided to offer an online MOOC type training.

The consortium aims to reach teachers among Europe and beyond and give them the opportunity to be educated in an asynchronous environment.

After experiencing covid19, and the extended use of digital classroom environments, we strongly believe that online training offers the opportunity to more people around the world to find more opportunities in educational material. For this reason, the consortium decided to offer a MOOC for teachers training. This online training will reach a great number of teachers around Europe and beyond, so it will have a great impact on the transferability potential of the project results.

On the other hand, it will give a first hand experience to the trainee teachers to see how a digital classroom can work with students and give them the opportunity to apply the experienced methods in their digital classrooms.

As mentioned before the online training will be uploaded on the School Education Network which will also contribute to the better dissemination of the project. Also, a link of the MOOC training will be listed on the SMILE website. The training and assessment will be held in English language.

Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) EM-Th RDE(GR) will provide the organization of the creation phases of the MOOC, the necessary techniques knowledge, the supply of video editing software and all partners will have access and they will contribute to all the items of the production. The Production of the fourth project results will consist of 5 tasks:

PR4- A1 Pre-production stage (M21-M22)
It is one of the most important stages since the whole MOOC is organized in it. EM-Th RDE(GR) will lead this task and other partners will contribute.

This task includes the following topics:

    • Defining the characteristics of the course.
      In this section, program partners should list the MOOC features they will develop such as course title, course duration, course summary and start and end dates.
    • Lesson structure.
      In this section partners will list items such as the sections and subsections that will be included in the course as well as the specification of the educational content in each of them.
    • Defining the scenario of the course promotion video.
      Each lesson that will go online will have a short video lasting a few minutes (from 1 to 3) through which the basic elements of the lesson will be presented so that the user can decide if this is the right lesson to attend.

PR4-A2 Production (M23-M26) 
Development of the content of the elearning platform EM-Th RDE(GR) will lead this task and other partners will contribute.

At this stage, the recording of the audiovisual material that will be used later to create the set of videos that will make up the lesson.

To record videos, it can be used from the camera of a mobile phone to professional cameras.

At this stage all the partners will contribute to the production of the appropriate material (videos, pdf, presentations, power points, e.t.c.) that will be based on the Teachers’ guide and the experience gained from the Training and Piloting phase.

Each partner will invite a team of experts to contribute to the project at this stage. 

PR4-A3 Αssessment (M27-M28) 
The EM-Th RDE(GR) in collaboration with the QM FRAME (PL) will develop an evaluation template.

An internal evaluation from all partners will occur at this stage as well as a testing by the partners’ focus group of teachers regarding usefulness and transferability.

MOOC will be revised according to the received feedback.

PR4-A4 Finalization of the online, asynchronous course (M29)
EM-Th RDE(GR) in collaboration with the involved partners will proceed to make all necessary amendments to the course and platform by editing, adding or adjusting the material, guidelines, vignettes and OERs so that the environment is user friendly and serves the purposes of its development. 

Swedish teachers warming up with Smile Moves

PR4-A5 Delivery of MOOC to the general public (M30) 
Once the process of creating the videos that will make up the MOOC has been completed and the material that will accompany the various sections will be gathered, the partners will decide on the platform on which it will host the MOOC so that those interested can access it.

Additionally, teachers from different countries will be able to access the training course, created on PR4 on the School Education Gateway offered as an on-line course. The course will be entirely free.

The course will remain online on the School Education Gateway, even after the completion of the platform’s activity according to the project’s plan, as an open source that teachers can access.

This action will play a vital role on the dissemination as well as on the sustainability of the project’s outcomes.

Working days Viksjöfors:

Digital Reporsitory, teacher/train./res., 50 days, 12050 E
Digital Reporsitory, technicians, 10 days, 1900 E

Med penningvärdet vid projektstart 21-12-01 är

    • 241 EUR = 2479,96 SEK/arbetsdag för researchers
    • 190 EUR = 1955,16 SEK/ arbetsdag för technicians.

Achievements SMILE

    1. Report of Need Analysis
    2. Digital Repository 
    3. Teacher’s Guide on using Music in Inclusive Education
    • Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education - SMILE - 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032762 is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

      artinedviksjofors av Viksjöfors Kulturpedagogiska Skola är licensierad under en Creative Commons Erkännande-DelaLika 4.0 Internationell licens.Based on a work at http://artinedviksjofors.se/.Tillstånd utöver denna licens kan vara tillgängligt på http://artinedviksjofors.se/.