Please observe that the below dates might not be correct! The 30 months of the SMILE project have been postponed to 28/2/2022 - 31/8/2024
Leading partner: FRAME –
Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej
E10144172 – Poland
Time: 01-11-2022 – 30-04-2023
Languages: English, Greek, Italian, Swedish and Polish
A culturally inclusive classroom is one where students and teachers can recognise, appreciate and capitalise on diversity so as to improve the overall educational process.
This Teachers’ Guide is a compendium of knowledge in order to help teachers of preprimary and primary schools to integrate music in their teaching procedure and successfully use music as a pedagogical tool for inclusive education.
The final content of the Teacher’s Guide is determined according to the needs of teachers, which will be identified in the Need Analysis Report (PR1).
The Teacher’s Guide content is
- simple, easy to understand (even from teachers with no musical education) and
- its chapters will include, basic theoretical knowledge of Music, examples and
- historical facts that indicate the power of music, music’s multicultural impact (as it is the only art that uses non verbal communication),
- strategies and methodological guidelines for teachers on how to integrate music into their daily teaching process,
- good practices and school experiences related with music,
- instruction on how the use the collected material The Digital Activity Archive in the Digital repository PR2, etc.
The added value of this project result is that the Teacher’s Guide will introduce to teachers an innovative educational and pedagogical tool, easy and simple to use, but with great power, which could mobilize them and their students to understand and appreciate each other, have a lot of fun and transform their multicultural class into a harmonic working- together group.
Once teachers realize that using music in their teaching does not presuppose extraordinary knowledge and competencies and that using music does not mean necessary to make extra efforts, in order to accomplish a positive class environment, in terms of inclusive education, they will appreciate music and adopt it in their daily teaching routine.
In terms of transferability, the Teacher’s guide outlines the basic elements that teachers need to integrate music into the learning process and with the presented examples, teachers will be able to improvise and implement their own ideas based on music.
PR3-A1: Definition of content of Teacher’s Guide and Graphical Design (M12)
The Leader partner, FRAME distributed their proposal about the content of Teachers Guide among the partners and after brainstorming discussion the content was defined.
An action plan was established and revised with partners. The results of the (PR1) Need analysis report was taken into account and also instructions for the use of the collected material in the Digital repository (PR2) were given.
The graphical design of the Teacher’s Guide was defined in term to be reader friendly and easy to use…
PR3-A2: Desk research of theoretical studies and school experiences (M13)
A desk research of theoretical studies and school experiences will be conducted from all partners on the importance of music integration for inclusive education. Guidelines and templates will be given from the Leader of this PR3.
Swedish contribution Facts about Music in Primary Education
PR3-A3: Development of Teacher’s Guide (M13- M15)
All partners will contribute to develop the Teacher’s Guide. Templates will be prepared and distributed among partners and division of work will be decided.
PR3-A4: Assessment of Teacher’s Guide (M16)
The assessment was double folded. One internal evaluation from all partners and also a testing of the Guide by the partners’ focus group of teachers, regarding usefulness, transferability, practicality, functionality and adequacy. The Teacher’s Guide was revised according to the received feedback.
PR3-A5: Finalization (M17)
The Teacher’s guide was finalized in the English version and then be translated into the partner’s language.
Lärarhandledningen på svenska: PR3_The Guide Complete_Swedish 22 Nov
Working days Viksjöfors:
Digital Reporsitory, teacher/train./res., 30 days, 7230 E
Digital Reporsitory, technicians, 5 days, 950 E
Med penningvärdet vid projektstart 21-12-01 är
- 241 EUR = 2479,96 SEK/arbetsdag för researchers
- 190 EUR = 1955,16 SEK/ arbetsdag för technicians.
- DANCE MU SMILE Björnen sover/Bear I sleeping Eng 2024 (1:08)
- DANCE MU SMILE Mors lilla Olle/Mother’s little Ollie Eng (1:57)
- DANCE MU SMILE Vi äro musikanter/We’re Musicians. Eng (1:51)
- DANCE MU SMILE Karusellen/The Carousel Eng (1:18)
- RHYTHM SMILE Shapes in Breaks (1:22)
Autumn song
Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education - SMILE - 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032762 is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.