- IO3 Short report on Piloting activities
- Piloting in Viksjöfors: Movies, pictures and more!
- Evaluation_ results
- Links to our official r4i website in Coursevo for IO3:
IO 3 ended up in the online course in IO4 and with some corrections after that course the Curriculum was finalized:
For more details In the final curriculum>>
The work behind
During the first project year experts in integration of arts in school curricular subjects and in learning interventions targeting inclusion have been involved in the preparations.
They have established the pedagogical-artistic team of the project which cooperated with the academic personnel of the project team to document in detail
the training needs of the targeted teachers and
the learning needs of the targeted students.
Questionnaires and focus groups discussions focused on the integration of Music and Dance to enable rhythm-based learning interventions.
A joint staff training event (M22-23) in Coventey explored the integration of music and dance to enable rhythm-based learning interventions within the psycho-pedagogical framework (to support inclusive student learning).
The results of the training event informed and guided the final documentation of the target groups needs and was the basis of the subsequent piloting.
Working days and output budget
Piloting in Viksjöfors
See movies, pictures and reports here>>
Emil Skogh and Katarzyna Pawlak worked with the 10 steps in the Curriculum piloting on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in early spring term 2020. Emil continued in May. Helena recorded the work.
A summary was to be made in June 9-10. Week 24. Project month 23. But due to Covid-19 everything was delayed.
Here is Elias’ PM with the 10 steps: COVENTRY FINAL_new
Here are films from the Viksjöfors School piloting.
The Swedish Curriculum suggests the involvement of Music/rhythm in many subjects:
Output leader: UCrete (GR) Elias Kourkoutas
This project rhythm4inclusion Erasmus+ ID 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039032 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.