4. Teacher Video Kit

I.   We chose the 6 page story ”Doris” from the MultiLib/MUSILIB library

Theresa from Mosiac wrote a Manual in 6 steps for Soundtracking The story 

Emil Skogh and the Viksjöfors children followed the 6 steps.

II.   Marianne wrote another manual in 6 steps – Writing a tale. 

We followed the manual in three workshops.

Workshop 1, step 1-5

Workshop 2, step 6:1

Workshop 3, step 6:2

III.   A third manual was written in Viksjöfors on Dancing a Traditional  Story.

The chosen story was the traditional Swedish story “We are unique”, illustrated by Ida Uddas.
Here>> you can read the full story, in Swedish as well as in all other project languages.


Professional dancer Julia tried it with the preschool children: 

IV. A fourth manual – Dancing a Modern Story

V. Dancing a Traditional Topelius Tale

VI. Why and How we use Dance as a Teaching Tool 

Sophia Färlin-Månsson tells Helena Ehrstrand about her teaching methods.

And finally a useful example from the Activity Set in the MultiLib project. Elisabeth tells us how she worked with two of the stories in the library: 

Here you can find all 24 stories, translated into 12 languages that you can read and listen to: The MUSILIB Flip Book Library>>

The 5 other Intellectual Outputs (IO)

The 6 outputs are:

  1. Scaling-up of MUSILIB Library in Finland 
  2. MUSILIB Soundtracks to the MultiLib stories 
  3. Children’s Multicultural Music Instruments Library 
  5. MUSILIB by Children – Children’s Multimedia Stories inspired by music instruments 
  6. Upscaling of the MultiLib Library into The MUSILIB Library for Children in Europe 

See more:

From Nov. 1 2019 to Sept. 30 2020

This project MUSILIB Erasmus+ ID 2018-1-FI01-KA201-047196 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

artinedviksjofors av Viksjöfors Kulturpedagogiska Skola är licensierad under en Creative Commons Erkännande-DelaLika 4.0 Internationell licens.Based on a work at http://artinedviksjofors.se/.Tillstånd utöver denna licens kan vara tillgängligt på http://artinedviksjofors.se/.