Output Nr and Lead Partner
- United Kingdom: The MultiLib Library. Out of reach :(.
- Czeck Republic: The MultiLib Children’s Activity Set. (Aktivitetshandboken_SV)
- Turkey: The MultiLib Teacher Guide. (Lärarhandledning_SV)
- Sweden: Six MultiLib Case Studies.
- Greece: Replicability Templates and Rules of participation. (Formuläret på svenska)
- Greece: MultiLib Repository (OER) and Web 2.0 Communication Website.
- The MultiLib Library web site. Out of reach :(.
- The MultiLib Flip Book Library in all project languages and with sound files for the original language (press the down right corner to turn the pages)
- The Set of Activities, available in all project languages.
- The Teachers’ Guide, available in all project languages.
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See how far we have reached on our project web site>>
Här finns böckerna också! Det går att bläddra i dem och de är inlästa på olika språk, med glosor. Du kan t.ex. läsa på svenska och lyssna på kurdiska.
This project MultiLib Erasmus+ ID 2015-1-SE01-KA201-02210 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.