Project title: The Multilingual Library for Children in Europe Project Acronym: MultiLib Project Agreement Number: 2016-1-SE01-KA201-022101 Total Budget: 289530 €
An electronic library with stories from different cultures and in different languages. See our work here:
- The MultiLib Library web site – out of reach, with all our project material!!
- The MultiLib Flip Book Library in all project languages and with sound files for the original language (press the down right corner to turn the pages)
- The Set of Activities, available in all project languages.
- The Teachers’ Guide, available in all project languages.
These are the partners of project MultiLib
- The Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd., UK, a cultural company in London, used to work with several international educational projects, but now out of reach with lots of our project material :(.
- International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, Belgium. A Culture Foundation in Brussels, originally created by renowned violinist Y. Menuhin.
- Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zloušky PELICAN, Czech Republic. A successful language school in Brno.
- The Researtch Committee of the Technical University of Crete, Greece A part of the Technical University in Chania mainly engaged in research.
- University of Cukurova, Turkey. A university in Adana, in eastern Turkey, with a very good reputation and about 32,000 students.
- Viksjöfors school, Sweden. A very small school with a very large network. Coordinator.
Ett webbibliotek med sagor och berättelser från olika kulturer och på olika språk. En litteraturanalys av tema, motiv och budskap i MultiLib-berättelserna (ett 15 p slutarbete vid Mitthögskolan) skrevs våren 2018 av Elisabeth Guthu. 48 läsvärda sidor!
Bilden överst är ett exempel från biblioteket. De två svenska böckerna, en traditionell och en modern är illustrerade av Ida Uddas och finns tillgängliga på sex språk!
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Ett s.k. Ganttschema över tidsåtgången i MultiLib
This project MultiLib Erasmus+ ID 2015-1-SE01-KA201-022101 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.