Many or most of our projects benefit students who use Swedish as a second language. The project MultiLib and the follow-up MUSILIB however had its main target group among students of this cathegory. These were the achievements of those projects:
- The MultiLib Library web site
- The MultiLib Flip Book Library in all project languages and with sound files for the original language (press the down right corner to turn the pages)
- The Set of Activities, available in all project languages.
- The Teachers’ Guide, available in all project languages.
- The MUSILIB Library
- The MUSILIB Flip Book Library in all project languages and with sound files for the original language (press the down right corner to turn the pages)
- The MUSILIB Instrument Library
- The Set of Activities, available in all project languages.
- The Teachers’ Guide, available in all project languages.
- Playlist youtube – Multimedia stories
- Playlist youtube – Teachers Video Kit
Other recent projects in our school that have dealt with the challenge of teaching children with language difficulties are:
We often work with themes where Swedish is included. But every Monday, School Grandpa Kalle comes to Viksjöfors school and reads with the children. Vi arbetar ofta med teman där svenskan ingår. Men varje måndag kommer skolmorfar Kalle till Viksjöfors och läser med barnen.
The Animating Stories Project is part of the Swedish Cultural Center Kulturrådet’s SKAPANDE SKOLA. The Animating Stories Project is also a part of our Erasmus+ Project e-ARTinED, where we are building:
A web based course for teachers on how to use Art in Education, considering Social Inclusion as well as Critical Thinking and with a special focus on Art in Nature.
The work, from Sept. 2015 to March 2017, covers Output 2 Training, where Viksjöforsbaletten has been the leading partner.
Teacher’s Guide Animating Literature
The Animation Project Movies
2. SV Filmaren korrigerar dagens misstag.
See more films:
- SV Hamstern är borta. Animerat ritprogram.
- SV Hamstern är borta Toontastic 1
- SV Hamstern är borta. Stop Motion.
- SV Hamstern är borta. Toontastic 2 Arabiska.
- SV Hamstern är borta. Toontastic 3 Amaric
- SV Hamstern är borta. Leranimation
- SV Filmanalys Person, plats, problem, lösning
See more of our work with art in education:
Curricular SubjectS using the Arts:
- English/Foreign Language/Engelska
- Handicraft/Slöjd
- Mathematics/Matematik
- Music/Musik
- Native Language/Swedish/Svenska
- P.E./Idrott
- Science/NO
- Social Science/SO
- Thematic Work/Temaarbeten
- Visual Arts/Bild
The Curriculum/Läroplanen
Curricular Subjects and the Arts
Ännu mer:
- Skolans uppdrag; rapport från Statens Medieråd: Kultur+media=sant
- Forskare om lärstilar och olika sätt att lära.
The projects Erasmus+ ID 2015-1-SE01-KA201-01226718, 2016-1-SE01-KA201-022101 and 2018-1-SE01-KA201-039032 have been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.