In the e-ARTinED training part (Output 2) we have focused on two themes:
We have chosen The Codes of Conduct – the Right of Public Access and Children’s Rights as starting points for this work.
At the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency we have found excellent pedagogic material and texts in English about the Code of Conduct and the Outdoor Access Rights. The Scouts do not only offer lots of activities on the Rights of Public Access but also on Children’s Rights (at least in Sweden; see svenska>>).
We have already collected others’ experiences, such as academic books, research, movies and networks. Those can be found in Output 1. Background Reports and Repository. We will publish our own experiences regularly in Achievements, Output 2. Training
Here is an example from our December musical about recycling. The children are training songs about waste sorting.
Finally some cuts from our thematic day about The Ouutdoor Access Rights
Read more
Read more about the e-ARTinED Project:
- Documents from the national Agency
- Budget
- Project Management Manual
- Tasks and responsibilities
- Templates for reporting
- The Swedish Environmental Code
This project e-ARTinED Erasmus+ ID KA201-01226718 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.